Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Homemade Laundry Soap

I just made up another batch of my homemade laundry soap.  I bought my original supplies over a year ago, and still have enough for at least 6 more batches!  This stuff is amazing, and I love the fact that I haven't spent ANY money on laundry soap this past year! 

Here's a link to my original post, with the recipe, if you're interested in trying it for yourself!

Snow on the horizon...

Looking out my window this morning, I can't help but notice the snow that is slowly creeping its way down the mountains.  Although the last few days of rain and cloud cover have produced some warmer fall temperatures, there is no denying that winter is knocking at the front door.  Its time to finish up the garden, clean up the yard, and make any repairs to the house that have been pushed to the back burner.  Its the time for baked squash, yummy fall soups, and the family favorite around here, pot roast with roasted root vegetables.

I have mostly stopped eating red meat, as I find that it sits in my stomach like a rock for far too long, but I'm not going to deny the rest of my family the option.  I just make myself something different on the days I make roast for the rest of my family.  Do you make more than one meal at night, to satisfy the different tastes at the dinner table?