Snap Peas, with Kale in front that you can't quite see yet.
Broccoli and Red Cabbage
4 types of Summer Squash, Onions and Cauliflower.
Spinach, Turnips, Kohlrabi, Red Cabbage, Radishes and Lettuce
Carrots and more Radishes
Impromptu Willow Trellis with Sweet Peas
The Potato experiment!
The new Herb Garden
And last but not least, what's left of my bush beans.
I discovered the little visitor that was decimating my beans was none other than the cutworm. This is all that is left of the 80+ bean plants I had in here. The survivors are now protected by some bottomless plastic cups, sunk about 2 inches into the soil. I killed approximately 40 cutworms today, and although I'm sure I didn't get them all, this should solve the problem. Fortunately, I have more little bean seedlings available, thanks to my Mom's garden, so all is not lost.