Friday, February 19, 2010

What I have and what I need...

Just doing a quick seed inventory:

* Random seed pod from Mom's garden - Can anyone identify this flower?

* Snap Peas - Sugar Ann

* Blue Lake Beans (both bush and pole)

* Nasturtium

* Sunflower - Mammoth Grey Stripe

* Kale - Red Russian

* Spinach - Melody

* Cabbage - O-S Cross

* Broccoli - Nutri-bud Organic

* Carrot - Sweetness II

* Zucchini - Black Beauty OP

* Onion - Parade

* Radish - Cook's Custom Mix

* Pepper - King of the North

* Peppers - Mixed Chilis

* Eggplant - Twilight Hybrid

* Blue Shrimp Flower

Most of these are left over from last year, so I should probably test-germinate a few of each before assuming they are available to plant in this years garden.

** Herb update, I have Thyme, Rosemary, and Lemon Basil seedlings growing happily in my kitchen window!!!


  1. It looks like a poppy seed pod.

    Thanks for adding my blog to your blogs of note!

  2. Yeah i agree it looks like a poppy seed pod too.
    Thanks for visiting my blog, too!!
    Keep up the good work.


Hi guys! Due to spam, I am moderating, but I'll be as quick as I can!