Friday, January 29, 2010

More crafty stuff...

I made this nifty little zippered pouch to go with the purse I showed you a few posts back. I didn't want to put a zipper on the main bag, so this is perfect for the little bits and pieces that are always in the bag.

I Love Thrift Shops!

I just spent a whopping $7 at the thrift store today, and got a ton of fabric for some projects I am working on. I'll post some pics when they get finished. It's amazing how much fabric can be re-purposed from an old skirt! Not to mention that I discovered how many people make their project and then don't want the left over fabric... more for me!!!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Another project I've been working on...

Here is another project I have been working on with my new sewing machine. I'm starting to learn how to read a pattern better, which helps tremendously! I managed to get to the fabric store the other day when they had a great sale on patterns... 99 cents each! I spent $10.00 and saved &137.50! I couldn't believe it when I looked at the receipt! I can usually find good fabric on sale too, its just a matter of waiting and reading the flyers!

A purse I finished last night... first project for myself!

Now I get to look through all the patterns I bought and decide what to do next! I don't know why I didn't pick up on this utilitarian hobby earlier, its great fun!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

It smells so good...


This is one of my favorite vegetable dishes to make. I just mix up whatever veggies I happen to have in the fridge, chop and coat with olive oil, salt and pepper, and roast at 450F for an hour or so. These are all locally grown veggies from my CSA, and you really can tell the difference when something is picked at its peak, rather than picked early and ripened on the truck. And the best part is the vegetable soup I'll make out of the leftovers!

Monday, January 11, 2010

It happened before I could even catch my breath...

This weekend was an incredibly sad weekend for our family. Our beloved Great Dane, "Sleeping Lady", had to be put down. At only 5 1/2 years old, she developed Osteo Sarcoma... Bone Cancer. Our only other option would have been to amputate her leg and start chemotherapy, hoping that there were no other tumors. Financially, this just wasn't an option for us. I am incredibly heartbroken, as she was my loving companion since she was a pup. Hard to believe we are down to just one dog now. Rest in peace, Lady, and know that I am crying tears of misery even as I write this.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

What does "simple life" mean to you?

If you take a look at my blog roll, you can easily see what kind of lifestyle I aspire towards. Simple, organic, frugal, and self sufficient. But I have come to realize that these phrases mean very different things to different people. What does "simple life" mean to you?

Here is my own personal list of things that define MY "simple life"...

1. Enjoying being at home
- It amazes me how many people spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on their house (notice I said house, not home) just to avoid it whenever possible!

2. Avoiding the shopping malls and convenience stores
- These places are designed to help you part with your hard-earned dollars. No one but me decides how my money is spent. I got rid of the TV because my son wanted everything he saw advertised, even when he didn't know what it was! Getting rid of the TV got rid of the "I want" mentality surprisingly quickly!

3. Making, rather than purchasing
- How many people spend a fortune on things they could have made for a fraction of the cost? If I can make it by hand I will, even if it takes a bit of time and effort.

4. Taking time each day to slow down and look around
- I live in the most beautiful place on earth, and I'm going to enjoy every minute I am blessed with!

5. Making nourishing, chemical-free meals for my family
- Not only is it easier and cheaper, I can make a meal to rival the best 5 star restaurant, and I know EXACTLY what my family is putting into their bodies. Not to mention that it gives us a chance to sit down at the dinner table together every night. I can't stress enough how important this is.

6. Enjoying family in general
- I am fortunate to be very close with my family, and I sometimes forget how many people are lacking that. There is no-one in the world I would rather be with than my husband and children.

7. Not needing hundreds of "friends" to feel loved and important
- I learned a long time ago that a few good friends are more valuable than being able to say you are friends with so-and-so. I choose my friends carefully, and the friendships last a very long time.

8. Being at peace with my situation
- My life is by no means perfect. There are some things I simply have no control over, and I choose not to dwell on them. I am here, and I am happy.

9. Not relying on credit cards to validate myself or my lifestyle
- Never again will I be a slave to plastic. Credit cards are evil, and they will destroy not only a financial situation, but they can destroy families as well. I know a family that lost a beautiful farm because the wife had secretly run up $100,000+ credit card debt. If you can't afford it, don't buy it.. simple as that!

10. Recognizing that its not the destination, its the journey that is most important
- We don't know what is in store for us tomorrow, so its important to cherish today.

The point I'm trying to make is that this is the lifestyle that works for me and my family. This definition is a very personal thing. Maybe you see it differently... that's perfectly ok! How do you define it?